Arm Lift
Caused by many reasons, such as aging, genetics, frequent weight gain and loss, sagging in the arms may not be eliminated with exercise. In such cases, a “Vaser Liposuction” solution is possible with an aesthetic intervention. In case of advanced sagging, intervention with “Liposuction” may not be sufficient. The drooping skin is removed under the arm by aesthetic surgery method. If the sagging is not too much, a “Mini Arm Lift” operation is performed with a small incision under the armpit
The classical arm lift operation takes three hours with general anesthesia. One night stay in hospital is required. Mini arm lift operation takes two hours with general anesthesia. One night stay in hospital is required.
Control and dressing is done four days after the operation. Drowsiness, edema and bruises that may occur in the early period are predicted conditions, but all will pass. You can return to social life within a week, but it is unfavorable to carry heavy loads and do heavy sports for a month. You should use the corset given after the operation for four weeks.