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If you want an aesthetic change for your face; bichectomy is what you are looking for. This aesthetic procedure consists of the removal of the Bichat bags, which are nothing more than bags of fat located on the cheeks, without any specific function.

These bags are responsible for the excessively wide and rounded facial shapes in people, the famous cheeks.

Thanks to the elimination of these bags; we achieve optical volumes of stylization and thinness and consequently a harmonious face in sight.

By removing the Bichat bags, the cheekbone and chin will gain prominence, the face will appear elongated.

Post-Operation Care

The Bichectomy operation is one of the surgeries that gives the most satisfaction to the people who have it, due to its definitive aesthetic results.

Once the bags are removed, it is impossible for fat accumulations to appear again on the cheeks, as well as its recovery is very fast, in a week you will be able to perform all your normal activities.

Care after removing Bichat bags:

It is important to know that after the procedure there may be slight inflammation in the intervened area and slight pain. It is advisable to consume soft foods.

To complete the intervention process and achieve the desired aesthetic result, it is important to follow a series of guidelines and care during the postoperative period.

  • Avoid the direct exposure to the sun.
  • Do not exercise or make great efforts during the first days after the intervention.
  • Eat soft diet foods for the first week.
  • Use an oral antiseptic after each meal.
  • Apply ice to the cheeks frequently to decrease inflammation.
  • Follow the medical guidelines prescribed by your surgeon.
  • Rest at home for at least the first three days after the intervention.
  • Do not smoke during the first days after the intervention.

Excessive inflammation, bleeding and the appearance of bruises are not frequent postsurgical symptoms after undergoing a Bichectomy, so if you notice any of them you should contact the surgeon.

At Health Eterna, we have a 24-hour telephone emergency service, so you can make any questions and notify us about any abnormal symptoms at any time. However, by properly following the medical guidelines established in the consultation, any complications can be avoided.

Frequent Questions

Anyone can remove the Bichat bags from their face, but there are certain cases in which this intervention is more suitable for some people than others.

The ideal candidate for a Bichectomy is a patient whose face shows an excessively rounded shape, due to an accumulation of fat on the cheeks that can accentuate the cheekbones in overweight people.

If after losing weight by dieting and exercising, the face does not appear more stylized, we can rule out that an excessively wide face is due to the accumulation of adipose tissues in other facial areas.

In this case, removing the Bichat balls is the only solution to lose weight easily. People who wish to stylize their facial shapes by highlighting the cheekbones may also be candidates for this surgery.

After the Bichectomy intervention, it is necessary to keep as much rest as possible between three and five days after the operation. This estimate may vary depending on the work and daily activity of each person.

If a person gains weight after undergoing a bichectomy, the rounded shape of the face can be accentuated more, but in no case will they accumulate fat in the cheek area again since the accumulations of fat in the Bichat bags do not depend on the variations caused by diet and exercise, and their prominence is largely determined by genetics.

The results are immediate, since the moment the bags of fat are removed, the face becomes more stylized. However, the postsurgical inflammation will not allow to see the definitive results until after the first month after the surgery is performed. Although, it is important to note that these times vary greatly in each patient and also depend on properly following the care prescribed during the postoperative period.



Consultation Submission Form

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Simply fill in the necessary information and send us a photo of the service you would like to be treated in the shortest way possible. We will contact you within 24 hours after our doctors have reviewed it.



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